In 2017 I was a Conservative Allerdale Borough Council. I attended a special meeting about the association potentially being put into special measures. I stepped up and took on the role of interim Chairman. Between then and my selection in 2019 I rebuilt the association into a proper campaigning outfit. Within a year I had doubled the membership, and today membership is in excess of treble the number of members we had back in 2017.
I am clear that our voluntary party, our members, are the bedrock of our party. Without members we have nothing. I’ve worked with CCHQ to grow the voluntary party structure in Cumbria, and I’ve fought internally to ensure that members’ voices are heard. Our party is built form the ground up, and I believe in regular communication with members, regular opportunities to get together so that I know what you’re thinking, and in working together to ensure that we continue winning elections.
I was instrumental in the creation of a Cumbrian branch of Young Conservatives, bringing through our next generation of elected representatives. I continue to support the branch financially until they’re on a sustainable footing.
Did you know?
I came up through the Conservative grassroots - having been a Parish Councillor, Parish Council Chairman, Borough Councillor and Borough Council Deputy Leader. I've also been a Charity Director and School Governor in state-controlled schools and academies.